Date night with my husband was long overdue. He suggested we go to a Beatles concert (a cover band, of course) in honor of the 50th anniversary of the infamous Abbey Road album.
We listened to the songs, to the rhythm, and the hidden stories behind the songs. These songs have accompanied us over the years, even since our parents' generation. And as far as I'm concerned, they will live on to my grandchildren's generation as well.
Music is indeed brilliant! Music can express emotion or an idea articulately, accompany it with a melody that moves the soul, and then share it through a performance that touches the heart. It is truly a holy gift.
That night of the concert, something within the various lyrics caught my attention––״all the lonely people," "help, I need somebody,״ ״whisper words of wisdom, let it be..."
I could hear someone's pain and desperation beneath it all. It made me start to ponder endless questions:
Sometimes we're very lonely and at other times less:
Sometimes I, too, feel lonely. All of us do. But some of us do a better job at managing to break the social barriers and self-limitations to call for help when needed. Those who succeed in seeking out help know how to welcome people to be by their side and take solace in loneliness together.
Music is a powerful force, not solely in the universal messages they send us, but in its healing qualities as we feel through the vibrations, energy, and rhythm. Personally, I'm comforted by the universal themes of The Beatles––their messages about loneliness, seeking help, and simply letting things be.
We are all in need of someone who will whisper words of wisdom in our ear, ask the right questions to bring forth our inner wisdom, someone to reach out and pull us up when we are down. As imperfect humans, we should recognize that we ultimately all need somebody to lean on.